Friday, May 15, 2009

40 things under 40

1. Get Married.
2. Have a star be named after me
3. Play in a band
4. Go to Europe
5. Watch a meteor shower
6. Live in a foreign country for sometime
7. Bungee jump
8. Build a snowman
9. Learn how to change a flat tire
10. Learn how to knit
11. Grow my own vegetables
12. Have my picture in the newspaper
13. Learn about pluming and carpeting
14. Meet someone famous
15. Build a snow fort
16. Go skinny dipping
17. See a total eclipse
18. Watch a sunrise or sunset

19. Go on a cruise
20. Learn a new language
21. Go rock climbing
22. Sing on a karaoke
23. Have my portrait painted
24. Go scuba diving or snorkeling
25. Kiss in the rain
26. Have a baby
27. Go to a drive-in theater
28. Scrapbooking
29. Stay home for a day to watch movies and eat take outs.
30. Start a business
31. Go sky diving
32. Go water rafting
Buy a house
34. Be in a movie
35. Visit the 7 wonders
36. Break a bone
37. Country dance
Own a dog.
39. Published a short-story
40. Read the entire Bible

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New blogger Here - intro

Call me old fashion, but I never have had a blog before. Thought I had no time, nor did I knew how it worked, but now that I've been watching all these cool blogs that ppl have I thought I would try to create one. Had a great time getting my facebook up, but not so much with myspace along time ago. So I never really gave it a try. Pretty ease so far....we'll see later how it works.